When you read this post does it mostly meet your expectations or does it fail to fulfil any of the objectives? Does it hit the targets laid down in previous...
I was lucky enough to be invited as a keynote speaker a few weeks ago, to talk about the plurality of women’s roles. I know what you’re going to say:...
We’ve all come across someone like this before: the cream of the crop, the baron who gets promoted to manager out of nowhere. He excels at his job and is...
Improving your employability is like going on a diet to get ready for summer. Starting a month before bathing suit weather and then letting go of all your good resolutions...
“I don’t believe protesting will move things forward at my level”, explains Nathalie Brodard, CEO of the Brodard Executive Search recruitment firm. “In some companies, it is still...
People often ask me why I founded my company. Does taking the leap require specific qualities or experience? Throughout my contributions, I will talk to you about my journey, both...
People who are under 30 and people who are over 50 don’t look for work in the same way. Based on this premise, Brodard Executive Search in Geneva and Lausanne...